It has been almost 10 years since I was dreaming to build a Website Like This!
So for, this might be a hub where you can get some information or questions to your questions related to Metal Detecting, But For me, is just like living the Dream!
Writing about one of my passions to serve and help other passionate people, this just can’t get any better …
… The main reason why I’ve decided to build this site and to maintain it on a daily basis is, simply, because I had many questions myself about Metal Detecting as Hobby … And I was sure other enthusiasts just like me have at a certain point asked these same questions …
… So, I said why not build a Website where I answer all these questions and hopefully other hobbyists would come here and find all the resources they actually need!
Now, Thanks to God, to You and to my Efforts brings thousands of visitors every single month and most of them are happy with the content!
Hope you are pleased as well.
If any questions, recommendations, critique, Please don’t hesitate to Contact Me!