This website has lot of articles where I talk about different aspects of Magnet Fishing! But this article you are reading right now is the most complete resource I was able to make so far … …...
How to Clean Magnet Fishing Finds? (10 Very Effective Ways!)
Magnet Fishing is not only about picking metallic find out of water! Yes, I understand that’s the fun part … … Yet, the other part of the coins is cleaning those finds properly! By doing...
Magnet Fishing is a simple hobby, yet it requires a certain level of understanding and consciousness about the right practices to adopt … … These Tips and Practices will save you a ton of...
Magnet fishing is a very similar hobby to metal detecting! It is basically metal detecting in bodies of water using a magnet attached to a rope in order to reel in treasure… … However, the...
Magnet Fishing is one of those activities that will give you the opportunity to pull out all kinds of finds! Yes, some of them might be just junk, but there are good chances to come up with highly...
Magnet Fishing is one of those hobbies that will allow you to pick up all sorts of finds! Some of them could be just junky and some of them could be really valuable and even represent some treasure...