Does Metal Detecting Burn Calories? How Much Calories?

does metal detecting burn calories

Before anything, metal detecting remains a physical activity that will have a big positive impact on your well-being …

But, does it go the point of burning significant amounts of calories? Yes, metal detecting can burn calories in a healthy way. Because this activity involves different moves and physical activities like long walks, swinging the machine, digging as well as squatting. All those moves will help burn calories without even noticing it.

This article will help you understand in a scientific way how much calories you can burn through this activity per hunt. As well as other Important benefits you should definitely know about.

How many calories could you burn metal detecting?

In 2017, there were reports that an overweight computer addict who worked as a security guard successfully lost 187 lbs. only through metal detecting …

Jeff Nemeth, 27, used to walk for over 10 miles every day with his metal detector while searching for old relics.

He spent 8 hours a day detecting, going up to 12 hours over the weekends. This is a pretty good example to keep in mind about the benefit of metal detecting in burning calories and aiding in weight loss.

According to some sources, metal detecting can burn on an average 250 calories per hour!

Many experts report that an average 180 lbs. person can burn an average of 150 to 250 calories after metal detecting for an hour.

In comparison, a person who rides a bicycle four times a week for 25 miles can burn 900 calories. While it might not be much when compared to other aerobic or cardio exercises, it is still much better than sitting at home, eating chips, and watching TV.

For those who are frequently metal detecting in water, the calorie burn can range from 250 to 350 calories per hour. This is due to the resistance created by water that makes your muscles work more.

How many calories burned while digging?

Many experts often suggest that metal detecting burns the same amount of calories as gardening since there is a lot of bending and digging involved.

While there are similarities between the two activities, metal detecting actually burns more calories than gardening.

Apart from the digging, you are involved in walking for long hours while swinging a heavy metal detector around.

Digging burns a lot of calories as you have to stoop down, stand up, and keep changing positions frequently as you go about digging your find.

It is estimated that the act of digging during metal detecting can help burn approximately 100 to 180 calories in just one hour.

Sideline Recommendation: To learn more about the hobby in general and some tips to optimize your efforts to make the most out of your hunt, I invite you to have a look at this Very Helpful Book.

Nevertheless, this also depends on the ground conditions!

If you are digging in rough ground conditions, it may even burn up to 200 calories. The kind of tool you are using to dig the ground can also have an impact on the calories burnt.

Is metal detecting overall a good exercise?

Yes, metal detecting is an excellent exercise for the entire body. The very art of swinging the metal detector for prolonged periods of time in your hands itself is a workout.

Metal detecting works out your arms and upper body as you swing the detector, dig the ground to reach your targets, and carry much equipment with you. Most detectorists have very well-developed biceps and forearms.

The hobby is an excellent workout for the chest and shoulders as the standard motion of swinging the detector back and forth works on the muscle groups of your upper body, including the shoulders and chest.

The swinging motion especially works out the rotator cuff, pectoral muscles, and the trapezius muscle groups.

As you keep walking continuously for long hours, your legs also get a good workout. Your legs also benefit when you retrieve a target since you are squatting down and then standing back up again multiple times.

Your quads, glutes, and hamstrings all get a good workout while you are detecting.

Metal detecting also develops core strength since swinging works out the obliques. These help keep the midsection in place. As you rotate your trunk while making the sweeping motion back and forth, you work out the entire midsection as well.

Of course, metal detecting is also great for the heart since walking is recommended for health.

For those who frequently practice metal detecting in the water, the benefits are even greater. Metal detecting in water is an excellent form of cardio exercise, and it helps you burn calories at a faster rate due to the added resistance of water as you swing your detector.

Since water has more viscosity, it makes you work harder while detecting in water.

Could metal detecting replace regular exercising?

Yes, if you are doing it on a daily basis.

But in many cases No. In fact, while metal detecting is an excellent way to stay fit, it cannot replace regular exercising as most people practice only from time to time.

That is, hobbyists detect only on the weekends or after work hours. Regular exercising has to be done on a schedule and it helps benefit the entire body.

Also when you are metal detecting, your primary focus is not on exercising, but on finding treasure. Whereas, when you are exercising, your focus remains on your body and on getting fit.

Other metal detecting benefits …

There are many other benefits of metal detecting as well. These include:

–> Great way to keep the mind alert and focused

Many people, especially older adults, find themselves struggling to stay involved and busy with something that challenges their minds and keeps them active.

Metal detecting helps stimulate the brain and increases mental capacity. It activates the imagination and provides them with challenges to solve, and teaches about the importance of perseverance and patience to the youngsters.

–> Gets you out of the house

How many of us chose to voluntarily get out of the house and spend time outdoors in nature? Not many, and not voluntarily.

Getting up and moving about with a detector in the great outdoors is excellent for physical, emotional, and mental health.

Being out in nature is known to have therapeutic benefits. Being amongst natural beauty has been shown to reduce stress levels, anger, anxiety, and fear, while also boosting the levels of many of the feel-good hormones in the body.

Spending time in nature helps reduce blood pressure, muscle tension, heart rate, and stress hormones in the body.

–> Helps you learn more about a given area

If you have been living in the same place for a long time, you may feel like there is nothing new left to discover about that place.

However, when you hold a metal detector in your hands, you will suddenly see the same city with a brand new set of eyes.

Eyes that are set on discovering new treasures. You may even discover many hidden treasures and learn more about your locality while researching for detecting.

Apart from all the physical and mental benefits for the body, do remember that treasure hunting with a metal detector can prove to be a lucrative activity at the end of the day.

For Fun: What other weird things that can burn calories?

Many people would consider metal detecting as a way to burn calories to be quite weird and unusual. Here are some other unique and quirky activities that help you burn calories.

  • Singing in the shower can help you burn 10 to 20 calories per song, depending on the pitch and volume of your voice.
  • Brushing your teeth for three minutes helps burn ten calories.
  • Pushing a shopping trolley around a store for half an hour burns 100 calories. The calorie burn increases with the amount of stuff you put in the trolley and how heavy it gets.
  • Dancing on a dance mat for 10 minutes helps burn 50 to 60 calories.

Final Thought …

I hope this article has answered your questions regarding metal detecting benefits including those related to burning calories. But my goal was not to give you this information …

Indeed, I really wanted to give you reasons and make excited as much as possible about this hobby. Hopefully those benefits will encourage you to get started asap (unless if you’ve already got started)

Carissa Harmer

Carissa is the huge metal detecting enthusiast that loves collecting coins. She is also highly interested in other treasure hunting activities like magnet fishing and gold prospecting/panning.

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