Finding the right places to use your metal detector is one of the most challenging aspects of the hobby! Indeed, choosing a location with low potential in terms of finds is a bad idea as you might...
Netherland is a beautiful country that you may want to visit not only to step foot on new places, but also (why not) to swing your metal detector … … In this article, I will try to talk about...
Beaches, parks, fields are not the only places where you can metal detect! There are many other places that you can go for … … One of these places is caves! In this article I will reveal as...
If you love Metal Detecting and live in the US, that’s a blessing! In fact, there are many US States that have pretty much friendly rules regarding the hobby, not to mention that most of them...
I don’t know whether you live in South Korea or you are just going to visit the country in the future, yet the only thing I know about you, is that you intend to use your metal detector in there!...
I totally understand that the most challenging part of Metal Detecting as a hobby is bypassing the permission hurdle to be able to detect without any legal issues … … One of the best ways to...